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How To Dehydrate Apples With Or Without A Dehydrator?

Dehydrating apples is a great way to preserve them for later use. Dehydrating removes the water content from the fruit, leaving behind the nutrients and flavor. Apples can be dehydrated whole, in slices, or in chunks. When dehydrating apples, be sure to use a food dehydrator that has adjustable temperature settings. Dehydrating apples at too high of a temperature will cause them to cook instead of dehydrating. In this article, I will discuss how to dehydrate apples with or without a dehydrator.

Dehydrating apples in a dehydrator

Apples are one of the most popular fruits to dehydrate because they are so versatile. You can use dehydrated apples in so many recipes, from snacks and desserts to main dishes. Plus, dehydrating apples is easy to do and doesn’t take very long.

The first step is to choose the right apples. You want to use apples that are fresh and firm. Avoid apples that are bruised or have soft spots. When dehydrating apples, it is important to choose a variety that is not too soft, as these will not hold up as well during the drying process. Apples should be peeled and cored before being sliced into thin pieces. If desired, a light coating of lemon juice can be applied to the slices to help prevent browning.

Next, you’ll need to wash the apples. Cut them into thin slices, about ¼-inch thick. If you want, you can remove the cores, but it’s not necessary.

Place the apple slices on the dehydrator trays, making sure they don’t touch each other. Set the dehydrator to 135 degrees and let it run for about 6 hours, or until the apples are dry and leathery.

Once the apples are dehydrated, you can store them in an airtight container at room temperature. They’ll last for several months.

Dehydrating apples without a dehydrator

Using a convection oven

One way to dehydrate apples without a dehydrator is to slice the apples thinly and lay them out on a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in a warm oven set to the lowest setting possible. Prop the oven door open with a wooden spoon to allow moisture to escape. Check on the apples every few hours, rotating the baking sheet and removing any apples that have dried completely. The drying process will take several hours.

Dehydrating in the sun

Dehydrating apples in the sun is a great way to preserve them for later use. The process is simple and only requires a few hours of your time.

To dehydrate apples in the sun, start by washing them thoroughly. Cut the apples into thin slices, discarding the cores. Spread the slices out on a clean towel and let them dry in the sun for a few hours.

Once the apples are dried, place them in a single layer on a dehydrator tray and dehydrate at a low temperature until leathery. Store the dehydrated apples in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

Dehydrating with an air fryer

If you do not have a dehydrator, then you can use your air fryer to dehydrate apples. Check our article to know how to dehydrate apples in an air fryer.

how to store dehydrated apples

You can store dehydrated apples for a long time by keeping them in a cool, dark, and dry place. The key to storing them is in an airtight container. The apples will last the longest in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry. If you live in a hot climate, consider storing the container in the refrigerator. Inspect the apples periodically, and discard any that show signs of mold or spoilage.


Dehydrated apples are a delicious and healthy snack that can be made at home with minimal effort. Apples can be dehydrated in a dehydrator or in an oven set to its lowest setting. The process of dehydrating apples removes the water content from the fruit, leaving behind a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. I think you have enjoyed the article and understood how to dehydrate apples in the right way.