Cuisinart TOA-60 vs TOA-65 | Which one is better?

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Cuisinart is a trusted name in the air fryer and convection oven industry. The TOA-60 is the most top-rated and popular among all the models. TOA-60 is often confused with the other similar air fryer and convection toaster oven model TOA-65. In this article, I am going to show you the differences between Cuisinart TOA-60 and TOA 65. You will also come to know the advantages and disadvantages of both models.

After the read, you will be able to compare the features and specifications of TOA 60 and 65. It will help you make the right decision about with one will better for you.  

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Table of comparison

Capacity17 quarts (up to 3 lbs of food)18 quarts(up to 3 lbs of food)
Dimension (Inch)15.5 x 16 x 1417 x 21.73 x 15.75
Weight21 lbs20.3 lbs
Temperature250F to 450F80F to 450F
Power1800 W1800 W
First ArrivalAug-2016Dec-2018
Prest Function713
Color VarientsSS/Black SS/WhiteSS
Control PanelManualManual ( with digital display)
Material usedS/SS/S
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feature comparison – TOA-60 & TOA-65

Cuisinart TOA 60 Air Fryer Toaster Oven

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Capacity, Dimension, and weight

TOA-60 and 65 are almost equal in size, shape, dimension, and capacity. However, TOA 65 is slightly higher bigger in all these features. The capacity of this unit is 18 quarts which is almost equal to its counterpart. The capacity of TOA-60 is 17 quarts. With these capacities, both the air fryer and convection oven are able to cook for a big family having members of 6 or more. 

Temperature range

It is one of the major features that you should consider before deciding on an air fryer. TOA 65 has a wider temperature range than its counterpart. At the temperature ranging from 80F to 450F, it is able to cook in almost all different cooking modes that you expect from an air fryer. It can dehydrate at a very low temperature. You can also air broil at a very high temperature. However, the temperature range of TOA 60 is 250F to 450F. The difference is clearly visible. It can not lower the temperature like the counterpart. 

Control panel

Both TOA 60 and 65 have manual control panels. However, the 65 model has a digital display that makes it easy to control. Therefore, TOA 65 has fewer control knobs than TOA 60. The latter one has different knobs for switching, temperature, time, and function control. 

Cooking preset

As I have already mentioned that that TOA-65 has a wider temperature range, its cooking versatility is better. It has 13 cooking presets including dehydrate, bagel, and broil. The cooking preset of TOA 60 is 7. 

Price and value for money

TOA 65 is costlier than 60. It is obvious that this one will be more pricy. But in my opinion, the value for money is better in TOA-60. It has few functions less than the other, but the price benefit it gives is quite substantial. 

Common features

Both of the air fryers are made of high-quality stainless steel. Both of them has powerful 1800W heating element. Therefore, they can cook very fast. Both of them are equipped with multiple air fryers and baking racks. 

Cuisinart TOA 65 Air Fryer Toaster Oven

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Advantages of TOA 60 over 65

  • The price of TOA 60 is reasonable compared to the other.
  • Its value for money is higher. 
  • It is an older, more popular, and well-known model. You can read our full review on this model here.

Advantages of TOA-65 over-60

  • TOA 65 is a comparatively later edition of air fryer and toaster oven of Cuisinart.
  • It has a better and wider temperature range. 
  • The control panel of this unit is better with a combination of digital and analog systems. 
  • It has a more preset cooking function compared to its counterpart.

Which one is the winner? 

Considering the above features and specifications, I think Cuisinart 65 is a clear winner. Its wider temperature range and improved control panel have made the difference. However, the value for the money of TOA 60 is better. Therefore, the final word is that, if you have money to spend, go with 65. If less is ok with you, TOA 60 is not a bad choice either. 

2 thoughts on “Cuisinart TOA-60 vs TOA-65 | Which one is better?”

  1. I think the wider temp range is clutch. You can actually dehydrate at proper temp.

    • Hi Linh. Thanks for the comment.


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