Ninja Vs Chefman Air Fryer Comparison

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Ninja and Cuisinart are two popular names in the air fryer industry. Both of the brands have a number of air fryer models that are wholeheartedly accepted by the users. Among those models, few are quite confusing to compare because of their similar features and attributes. In this article, I am going to compare those models of air fryers of Cuisinart and Ninja air fryers.

Chefman dual air fryer Vs Ninja dual air fryer

Table of comparison

FeaturesChefman Dual BasketNinja Dual Basket
ModelTurbofry DualDZ201
Capacity9 QT8 or 10 Quart
Dimension (inch)20 x 10 x 1315.63 x 13.86 x 12.4
Weight20.7 lbs17.9 lbs (8qt variant)
Temperature200F to 400F105F to 450F
Power1700W1690 W
First ArrivalAug-2021Sep-2020
Cooking Presets86
Color VarientsBlackDark Gray S/S
Control PanelDigitalDigital Touch
Suitable forLarge familyLarge family

Comparison of the features

Chefman TurboFry Touch Dual Air Fryer, Maximize The Healthiest Meals With Double Basket Capacity

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Cooking capacity

Chefman turbofry touch dual air fryer has a cooking capacity of 9 quarts – 4.5 quarts of each basket. On the other hand, Ninja dual air fryer DZ201 has two variants – 8 quarts and 10 quarts. Each basket is half of the total capacity. Both Ninja and Chefman are good for cooking for a large family ( you may read our detailed article on the air fryers for large families).

Temperature range

Ninja is better with regards to temperature range. It has a wider range starting from 100F and ending with 450F. In contrast, the temperature range for Chefman is 200F to 400F. As Ninja has a better temperature range, it has a versatile cooking function.

Cooking function

FunctionsNinja Dual BasketChefman Dual Basket
Air Fry

From the table able, you can see that Ninja is far better in terms of cooking functions. As I mentioned earlier, due to the wider temperature range, Ninja is capable of different functions such as dehydrate, broil, bake, and so on.

Chefman has ordinary functions such as air fry and roast. It can not do any high-temperature or low-temperature cooking such as broil or dehydrate.

Control panel

Both of the air fryers have a digital control panel. Chefman has 8 cooking presets. On the other hand, this number is 6 for Ninja. Both of the control panels look great to me.

Price and value for money

Ninja is far more expensive than Chefman. Although they look similar, Ninja is far better in terms of functionality. Therefore, it costs more. However, I think the value for money of Ninja is great.

On the other hand, Chefman dual air fryer is a basic model that has only the air frying function. Its value for money is also great as the price is relatively cheaper.

Ninja or Chefman dual basket – which one is the winner?

Comparing only the feature, Ninja dual-zone air fryer is the winner by a mile. it has a wider temperature range, multiple basket capacity options, more cooking functions, dehydrator option, and a few more attractive added advantages. Although Chefman is cheaper, I would bet on Ninja. I know I’ll use the versatile cooking functions once in a blue moon, but I don’t want to miss them either.

Ninja DZ201 Foodi 8 Quart 6-in-1 DualZone 2-Basket Air Fryer

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Ninja Max XL Vs Chefman Turbotouch

Two popular models of the brands we are comparing are the Ninja Max XL and the Chefman Turbotouch Air Fryer. In this section, we’ll be doing a head-to-head comparison of these two models to help you determine which one is right for you.


Comparison between Ninja Max XL Vs Chefman Turbotouch

FeaturesChefman 5 QT air fryerNinja Max XL
ModelTurboTouchMax XL
Capacity5 quart5.5 Quart
Dimension (inch)14.8″D x 12.2″W x 15″H14 x 11 x 14.75
Weight9.35 lbs11 lbs
Temperature200°F to 400°F105F to 450F
Power1300W1750 W
First ArrivalOct-2021Jul 5, 2019
Cooking Presets47
Color VariantsBlackBlack/ Gray
Control PanelDigitalDigital Touch
Suitable for4 persons4 people

Ninja has a powerful heating element

Ninja Max XL stands out from the competition with its more powerful heating element, boasting a power rating of 1750W, compared to the 1300W rating of the Chefman TurboTouch. This additional wattage allows the Ninja Max XL to generate higher temperatures for faster and more efficient cooking, making it a great choice for those looking to save time in the kitchen.

Chefman TurboTouch Easy View Air Fryer

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Chefman TurboTouch has better price

Chefman TurboTouch is a great option for those on a budget, with a much more competitive price tag than the Ninja Max XL. Despite the Ninja boasting more features, Chefman TurboTouch still provides some great features. For those who don’t need the extra features offered by the Ninja, Chefman TurboTouch is an excellent option.

Ninja has more cooking functions than Chefman

Ninja Max XL offers a significantly greater number of pre-programmed cooking functions than Chefman TurboTouch, with 7 functions as opposed to 4. The pre-programmed functions on Ninja Max XL provide a wide range of cooking options and are designed to make meal preparation simpler and more efficient. The control panel is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy to select the desired cooking function and quickly get started with meal preparation.

Ninja Max XL has slightly more cooking capacity

The Ninja Max XL air fryer offers an impressive 5.5 quart cooking capacity, giving it an edge over the Chefman TurboTouch with its 5 quart cooking basket. This larger capacity allows for larger batches of food, making it ideal for larger households, as well as for preparing meals for larger gatherings. With its extra capacity, the Ninja Max XL air fryer can easily accommodate a variety of dishes from snacks to full-course meals.

Ninja has wider temperature range

The Ninja Max XL air fryer is the clear choice when it comes to temperature range. It offers an impressive range of 105°F to 450°F making it more versatile than the Chefman TurboTouch, which only reaches a maximum temperature of 400°F. This wider temperature range can help to ensure that you get the perfect crisp on your food, whether it be a light and crunchy snack or a fully-cooked meal.

Ninja 5.5 quart or Chefman 5 quart – Which one is better?

Ninja AF161 Max XL Air Fryer

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When deciding between the Ninja 5.5 quart or Chefman 5 quart air fryer, price is an important factor to consider. If you are looking for a more affordable option, then Chefman is likely the better choice. However, if you’re looking for superior features and functionality, then Ninja is the clear winner. The Ninja offers a wider temperature range, more cooking functions, such as Roast, Reheat, and Air Fry, and a larger capacity for larger meals. Additionally, the Ninja has non stick ceramic basket, making it easier to clean. Ultimately, both the Ninja and the Chefman are quality air fryers, and the choice between them will likely come down to your individual needs and budget.

Ninja 2 Quart Vs Chefman 2 Quart air fryers

The Ninja 2 Quart and Chefman 2 Quart air fryers are two popular models of the brands we are comparing, but how do they compare in terms of features and performance? In this section, we will delve into the differences between these two popular models, and discuss which one is best suited for different types of cooking needs.

FeaturesChefman TurboFry 2-Quart Air FryerNinja AF080
ModelTurbofry 2 qtAF080
Capacity2 quarts2 quarts
Dimension (inch)9.45″D x 7.87″W x 11.02″H8.03″D x 10.39″W x 9.65″H
Weight5 lbsNot Found
Temperatureup to 400Fup to 400F
First ArrivalJun-2022Sep-2022
Cooking Presetsno presetsNo presets
Color Variantswhite/gray/mintGrey
Control PanelmanualManual
Timer Range60 minutes60 minutes
Suitable forsingle personsingle person

Difference between Ninja 2 Quart and Chefman 2 quart air fryers

Ninja does not have variable temperature setting option

The Ninja 2 Quart air fryer does not have a variable temperature setting option, where the temperature can be adjusted to suit the dish being cooked. The temperature of the Chefman 2 Quart air fryer is adjustable up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit, giving the user more control over their cooking. By comparison, the Ninja air fryer has a fixed temperature setting of 400 degrees Fahrenheit, which may not be suitable for all types of food.

Ninja AF080 Mini Air Fryer, 2 Quarts Capacity

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Chefman has more color option than Ninja

The Chefman 2 Quart air fryer offers a variety of color options to suit any kitchen decor. Whether you prefer the classic look of white and grey or the modern feel of mint, Chefman has you covered. In comparison, the Ninja 2 Quart air fryer is only available in a single color option, grey. Having options allows you to make the best decision for your home and to ensure that your air fryer blends seamlessly with your existing kitchen decor. With Chefman, you can ensure your kitchen is always looking its best.

Chefman is more cost effective

The Chefman 2 Quart air fryer is a highly cost effective appliance when compared to the Ninja 2 quart air fryer. In addition to offering similar features or better than the Ninja model, the Chefman model also offers great value for money.

Ninja 2 Quart or Chefman 2 quart air fryer – Which one is better?

Chefman TurboFry 2-Quart Air Fryer

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The Ninja 2 Quart and Chefman 2 Quart air fryers are both excellent options for those seeking a healthy, convenient way to cook their favorite dishes. Although these products offer many similar features, there are a few key differences which can help you make an informed decision when selecting the best air fryer for your needs.

The Chefman air fryer is slightly ahead of the Ninja in several areas. It offers greater control in cooking temperatures, and more color options. Additionally, the Chefman model also features a more affordable price point. Therefore, if you are looking for a reliable air fryer that won’t break the bank, the Chefman model could offer a better deal compared to the Ninja.

Ninja Air Fryer Oven ( DT251) Vs Chefman Air Fryer Oven

This section of the post will compare two of the most popular air fryer ovens of the comparing brands: the Ninja Air Fryer Oven and the Chefman Air Fryer Oven. We’ll take a look at their features, pros and cons, performance, and price to determine which one is the better choice.

FeaturesChefman Toast-Air Touch Air FryerNinja DT251
Capacity20 Quartsup to 12 lbs of turkey
Dimension (inch)15.8″D x 16.6″W x 2″H17.09 x 20.22 x 13.34
Weight18.6 lbs33.8/ lbs
Temperature95˚F to 450 ˚F90F to 450F
Power1800W1800 W
First ArrivalMay-2022Oct-2020
Cooking Presets910
Color VarientsBlackStainless steel
Control PanelDigitalDigital touch
Suitable forLarge family10+ people

Difference between Ninja Air Fryer Oven and Chefman Air Fryer Oven

Ninja DT251 has smart thermometer

The Ninja DT251 air fryer oven is an innovative kitchen appliance that features a smart thermometer. This thermometer is designed to monitor the temperature of the food while it cooks, ensuring that it is cooked to perfection. Furthermore, the Ninja DT251 air fryer oven features a digital display that allows users to easily adjust the settings to achieve the desired result. The Chefman air fryer oven, however, does not have this feature.

Chefman Toast-Air Touch Air Fryer + Oven

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Ninja air fryer oven has more preset functions

The Ninja DT251 air fryer offers a wide range of preset cooking functions, boasting 10 functions compared to the Chefman air fryer oven’s 9. This additional function allows you to customize your cooking experience and expand your culinary capabilities, allowing you to make a larger variety of dishes and snacks with ease. Not only does the extra function add to the convenience of the appliance, but it also allows you to use your air fryer to its fullest potential. With the Ninja DT251 air fryer, you can fry, bake, roast, and even dehydrate your favorite foods to perfection.

Chefman air fryer oven has a better price tag

The Chefman air fryer oven is a great choice for those on a budget, as it boasts a lower price point than the Ninja DT251 oven. However, the additional cost of the Ninja oven is justifiable due to its additional features, such as a more precise temperature control.

Chefman air fryer oven released later than Ninja

The Chefman air fryer oven was released two years later than the Ninja DT251. The Ninja was released to the market in 2020, whereas the Chefman air fryer oven was released in 2022. This two-year gap allowed for the Chefman team to further refine their product prior to launch, ensuring that their air fryer oven provided users with an even better cooking experience than what the Ninja could offer.

Similarities between Ninja and Chefman air fryer oven

Both of the air fryer ovens have similar temperature range

Ninja and Chefman air fryer ovens both boast a temperature range of 95˚F to 450˚F, allowing users to conveniently cook a variety of dishes quickly and easily. With the ability to heat up to 450˚F, users can achieve perfectly cooked and crispy food with a fraction of the oil used in traditional frying. Additionally, the low 95˚F temperature allows users to easily warm up leftovers or pre-cooked meals without having to worry about burning them. This wide temperature range makes both Ninja and Chefman air fryer ovens a great addition to any kitchen.

The power rating of both the ovens are same

Ninja and Chefman air fryer ovens are both able to provide excellent cooking performance, thanks to their powerful 1800W heating element. This ensures that each air fryer is able to quickly and evenly cook a wide range of foods, from crispy fried chicken to French fries and more.

The 1800W power rating ensures that both Ninja and Chefman air fryers can easily reach the required temperatures for quick and efficient cooking. Additionally, the high-powered heating element allows for a faster preheating time, allowing you to start cooking your meals with minimal wait times.

Both Ninja and Chefman air fryer ovens can dehydrate

Both Ninja and Chefman air fryer ovens boast a large temperature range to allow for a variety of cooking possibilities. One of the most beneficial applications of this range is the ability to dehydrate food. By allowing users to set their ovens to temperatures as low as 95°F, foods can be slowly and safely dried to remove moisture and preserve their nutritional content. This makes air fryer ovens ideal for making homemade jerky, chips, and other dried snacks.

Ninja or Chefman air fryer oven – Which one is better?

Ninja DT251 Foodi 10-in-1 Smart XL Air Fry Oven

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When considering which air fryer oven is better, both the Ninja and Chefman offer many features in common. The Ninja air fryer oven has some additional features that come at a higher price point, such as the smart thermometer. This thermometer is connected to the Ninja app and helps to ensure that the food is cooked to the right temperature and maintains a consistent cooking temperature. As a result, the Ninja air fryer oven may be the better choice if you are looking for the most precise cooking experience.

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