Types Of Ground Beef – In Terms Of Fat Content And Meat Quality

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Meat consumption is rising day by day along with many different types of ground beef as the population grows in the world. This has negative consequences on the environment. Land, water, air, etc can be directly affected by the increased meat consumption. Although meat is one of the main sources of nutrients, it also increases the risk of many diseases such as, high blood pressure, high-level cholesterol, many cardiovascular diseases, and even colorectal cancer. For thousands of meat lovers, it is very difficult to change their meat consumption habits. As a result, the meat industry grows bigger and powerful politically and financially.

The global average meat consumption and the whole amount of consumed meat both are increasing every year. The increased meat consumption is the reason for the increased world population, increased GDP and last but not least, changed food habits. The meat consumption rate is not growing equally in all parts of the world. Per-capita meat consumption is increasing in the middle-income countries, decreasing in rich countries and stable in poor countries.

Meat consumption in the united states

In a recent statistic, every single American takes 280 grams or 10 ounces meat per day. Although people(adults) should not eat more than 150 to 180 grams of meat per day. As a result, the USA confirms its first position as a country that consumes the most meat in the world. After chicken consumption, beef is the most preferable meat in the USA. The most popular beef item is Ground Beef. There are many kinds of delicious and mouth-watering food such as meatball, sausages, beef burgers, and so on which are made from ground beef. Here we will discuss some basics types of ground beef.

Ground Beef in The United States

Ground beef is the most preferable beef item among American people. They eat 40% to 60% of the whole consumed beef in the form of ground beef. In the past several years, consumption of ground beef is increasing remarkably because of its cheaper price.

Ground beef, minced beef or chopped beef all are the same product. You can call it whichever you like. You can make ground beef from frozen or fresh meat and add your favorite seasoning as per the test. We also have the option to make it without any kind of seasoning. Generally, ground beef is prepared from low-fat meat pieces. Zero fat pieces are not good for the preparation of ground beef. You can try it with a 20% to 30% fatty meat piece. For making ground beef, you need meat from any part of the animal but it has to be boneless. Specifically, meat that is trimmed from the part which is the perfect mixture of solid meat and a moderate amount of fat is the best.

Types of Ground Beef

There is various kinds of ground beef available in the USA. You can buy it from the super-shop or make it on your own. Generally, four kinds of ground beef products are available for consumers.  It has been classified in terms of its fat content, from which part of the animal the meat comes from, and its density and texture. Below is the classification of different kids of ground beef.

Regular Ground Beef:

It is the cheapest form of ground beef. Generally, it contains the highest percentage of fat. The meat of the regular ground beef comes from the less expensive portion of beef like shank and brisket. Although regular ground beef is less expensive, it is the most flavorful and juiciest ground beef. Because of its high-fat content, it is the cheapest and tasty but also unhealthy.

Ground Chuck

This is also called as lean ground beef. It contains a moderate percentage of fat of about 15 to 20%. For the preparation of ground chuck, meat is taken from the shoulder area of the animal. We usually consider it as the most common all-purpose ground beef.


Ground Round

If you are a health-conscious person, the Ground round is for you. It is a perfect balance of money and health. It contains about 12 to 14% of fat and comes from the animal back and the rump. If you want to cook a dish with ground meat and vegetable, then this is your perfect choice. People also called it extra-lean ground beef.

Ground Sirloin

This is also called as extra-lean ground beef like the previous one. This type of ground beef is so expensive and healthier due to its low percentage of fat. Generally, it contains 10% fat and comes from the middle portion of the animal. Because of its less fat content, it is slightly drier than others. If you are a healthy food lover and want to pay extra then this kind of ground meat is for you.


Beef TypeRegular Ground BeefGround ChuckGround RoundGround Sirloin
Another NameNo another nameLean ground beefExtra lean ground beefEXtra lean ground beef
Fat Content20-30%15-20%12-14%10%
Taken FromShank and brisketShoulder areaBack and rumMiddle portion
PriceThe cheapest oneLess expensiveExpensiveMost expensive

Buying guide

Now you have the basic knowledge about Ground Beef so you can easily take your decision to purchase appropriate ground beef. But when you want to buy ground meat from the market you should know a few more things.

  • Firstly, in the market, every store and butcher’s shop doesn’t pack their product in the same way. Sometimes you will be confused about the label of the product. When you are not sure what is written on it, you should just focus on the fat content. It will help you choose the right one.
  • If you are a health-conscious person, you should buy your ground beef from a butcher’s shop or a deli. Ground beef from these places is much better than the pre-packaged ones.
  • Last but not the least, the most preferable way to get ground beef is making it at home by yourself. It is always fresh and delicious as per your taste. You can make perfect ground beef with the help of a good quality meat grinder. There are two types of meat grinders- manual and electric. If you want to know which meat grinder is suitable for you then read our article about different types of meat grinders.



Final Words

Although ground beef is one of the most common items that people consume, they hardly know about the variation of it. We hope this article will help you choose the perfect types of ground beef to make a delightful dish for your beloved one. Thanks for reading the article and spending your precious time. We have tried our level best to give you a short idea about ground beef. Even after that if any question or doubt in your mind you can ask us in the comment section. You can also share your fillings with us through the comments.

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